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Promotions and discounts? Here's how to schedule the sending of commercial te...









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发表于 2024-4-30 14:24:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Here's how to program the sending of commercial SMS correctly Those who work in the retail world know well how some periods are more demanding and stressful, both from the point of view of work within the business and from that which concerns external management and communication. Just think of the Christmas period, the winter or summer sales, but also the launch of various discounts and promotions: the customer must be informed, but also encouraged and involved in purchasing. To create and optimize promotional campaigns, it is therefore essential to make use of some direct communication tools. Let's see, in particular, how to program the sending of commercial SMS. Commercial SMS: what they are and why they work so well Developing customer relationships takes work, that's no mystery. Fortunately, however, to reach them it is possible to use very effective, because direct, tools. Specifically, we are talking about SMS , i.e. text messages that arrive directly on cell phones and smartphones, which have lost ground in interpersonal communication, but which still work very well in marketing.

SMS, in fact, are fast , safe , efficient , traceable and highly appreciated by users. In particular, commercial Estonia Phone Number List SMS refers to those sent to communicate information on discounts, promotions, new products, events, alerts or any other marketing communication that the company wishes to share with its audience. Promotional SMS messages must, therefore, be short and concise with a set character limit (usually 160 characters) to ensure they are easily readable and do not take too long to read. However, consider that it is also possible to send longer texts, if necessary, using concatenated SMS , i.e. multiple SMS "joined into one" which allow you to exceed the 160 character limit. Here's how to program the sending of SMS in just a few steps Today, sending text messages is very simple, but in a commercial context it is necessary to address a large number of people who are not all "the same", that is, they do not have the same characteristics and interests. It is therefore unthinkable to manage everything manually. But how to program the sending of SMS to optimize the strategy? Choose an SMS marketing platform: there are several that allow you to send commercial SMS in a scheduled manner. The important thing is to find the one that best suits your needs, is safe and performs well.

Segment contacts : identify, divide and group your contacts/customers into specific groups based on common characteristics , so you can practice targeted communication, creating a one-to-one relationship. Personalize the message . Based on contact segmentation, it is possible to create personalized and relevant short texts for each group, based on their contact information, online activities and their interests. Automate mailings . To send messages to a large number of recipients at the same time, even with a limited budget, it is essential to schedule the sending. In the selected platform you will have the possibility to set the date and time when you want to send the SMS . You can schedule them based on your target audience, such as at times when they are expected to be most active or when they are likely to be most receptive to your offers. Monitor and analyze performance. Each SMS marketing campaign can and must be evaluated through the analysis of statistics and the results obtained. This allows you to identify what works and what doesn't, and then make any improvements. Which marketing platform to choose? Hermes Pro! To plan the sending of SMS , rely on the professionalism and security offered by our professional Ermes Pro platform , thanks to which you can send many SMS at the same time, personalize the messages with the recipient's name, insert your brand name as the sender, segment the your audience to create targeted SMS campaigns , with scheduled sendings capable of maximizing conversions. Find out more about our SMS advertising service , the assistance we provide at every stage and create your account to immediately start sponsoring discounts and promotions to grow your business.


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