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The creative process behind a collection









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-3-12 13:56:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MAIKE : On this occasion, different from other cases, the collection was born from the search to connect with a feeling of internal connection, to remember why I started on the path of jewelry and how I want to feel creating, for this reason it is a very intimate collection. . Intuitively it was born from the enjoyment of creating, from the joy of being alive, connecting with the source. I decided to use warm, earthy, pink colors, mix architectural and minimalist shapes with delicate and feminine silhouettes. I already had some stones in my personal collection and others I looked for especially for this project, but most of them had already been seen before. In reality, a collection is “cooked” long before it is created, and at the moment of designing is when those floating ideas are channeled.

I have always felt that jewelry transmits strength, it connects us with our strength, and creating it also leads me to connect with that. The concept of inner strength was also a pillar throughout the collection and photos, and that is why diamonds could not be missing! MAIKE : This is very relative in each creative process, but WhatsApp Number List on this occasion I started the first sketches in September, and in October the collection was already complete in my head (and I think also in drawings). I couldn't say exactly when the idea began because that is something that is always 'going around', until one decides to download it and put together something that tells a story. The making of the pieces took approximately a month and a half, and in November we began planning the photo session and the story of the collection. We took a month to plan the entire concept, form the team and produce the photo shoot.

It was a little chaotic having the photo shoot a week before Christmas, but we did it! The following weeks were spent organizing the material we had, planning the launch, putting together and writing the content, creating the emails, etc. One cannot imagine all the work behind it, but the truth is that we did it in time and I was able to enjoy each of the stages. WHO PARTICIPATES IN THE There are quite a few people involved, and surely there could be more… But the mere fact of working with a team greatly enriches the result. The person who was there from the beginning is Luciana, she works with me as a workshop assistant and with her we work on making the pieces. Then, for the photos, the first person I worked with was Maca, art director. With it we lowered the entire concept of the collection into a visual language that was coherent; We defined the details of the session, we looked for the materials and elements necessary for the photos, we gathered references and we shaped the moodboard.


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