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How the increase in the minimum wage affects the subsidy for those over 52 y...









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-3-7 14:49:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Government will increase the Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI) by 8% in 2023, which means reaching 1,080 euros per month. This is an increase of 80 euros that is at the top of the range recommended by the committee of experts. The agreement has been reached between the Government and the unions , but without the approval of the CEOE. This measure will especially benefit young women , since the majority of SMI recipients are women and at least a third are under 34 years old. But this is not the only profile that will obtain certain advantages thanks to the increase in the SMI in 2023. The unemployed will also see some improvements, although not directly. The mistake you make when brushing your teeth: it causes oral diseases and makes your breath stink Specifically, the increase in the SMI will affect the subsidy for those over 52 years of age , modifying some of its requirements.

Below is a detail of how the new minimum wage affects this aid, how much is charged in 2023 and what the requirements are to access it. How the rise in the SMI affects aid for people over 52 years of age To access the subsidy for those over 52 years of age, you must meet an economic requirement: not have income greater than 75% of the minimum wage. That is, until this increase you could request help if you did not have income exceeding 750 euros per month, since Asia Phone Number List the SMI was 1,000 euros. From now on, this limit is 810 euros per month . This means that more people will be able to benefit from aid for those over 52, as long as they meet the rest of the requirements. How much is charged for the senior subsidy in 2023 The 2023 General State Budgets include a 3.5% increase in the Multiple Effects Public Income Indicator (IPREM), which is the reference used to calculate unemployment benefits, including aid for the elderly. The benefit for those over 52 years of age is 480 euros per month in 2023.

This represents an increase of 17 euros compared to 2022. Can you collect unemployment after a disciplinary dismissal? This aid can be collected by both employees and self-employed workers, and some decide to link it to retirement. Requirements to collect the subsidy for those over 52 years of age If you want to collect this aid, you should not only look at the income requirement detailed above. These are the requirements to have the right to unemployment for those over 52 years of age: Be 52 years old or older on the date on which the rest of the requirements to access the subsidy are met. Be registered as a job seeker for one month from the time the unemployment benefit runs out. This registration must be maintained during the receipt of the subsidy.


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