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Dentists demand protective material from Illa and









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-2-15 14:59:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Stop price speculationhe General Council of Dentists has sent a letter to the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, requesting that the necessary measures be adopted to guarantee the supply of protective material to all dentists and that prices be regulated in the market to stop the speculation. In the letter, its president, Óscar Castro Reino, recalls that dental clinics are considered essential health centers for the care of dental emergencies. In that sense, although consultations under normal working conditions are safe and healthy spaces, "at the current time, due to the characteristics of ubiquity and transmission routes of this security cannot be guaranteed, more "even though we do not have the protective material necessary to carry out the treatments, due to a large shortage of supplies." «All of this makes it very complicated and risky for dentists to carry out the ordered care activity in the necessary conditions to protect ourselves from possible contagion, increasing, in turn, the danger of acting as vectors in the spread of the disease. illness to both.

The patients and the auxiliary staff of our consultations," Castro asserts. by Taboolayou may like Brussels disavows Josep Borrell and deals a setback to the Government for its support for UNRWA On the other hand, since there is "a high demand and a low supply", he denounces that "there is an indiscr Malta Email List iminate supply in the supply of protection products against the coronavirus by the various manufacturers and distributors with mostly exorbitant prices, which further complicates its acquisition given the economic problem derived from the pandemic in the dental sector. Given this situation, the president of the General Council of Dentists demands that "the Ministry of Health adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the supply of the aforementioned protective material to all dentists in Spain, while at the same time proceeding to the proper regulation of the existing prices in the market to stop speculation. Previous article First fiasco: The improvised disaster of the Madrid mask distribution Next article PP, no desire to reach an agreement with Sánchez due to his "arrogance and inability" Share.

Able to resist the shock." In any case, he has asserted that all forecasts point to a "significant drop" in GDP this year and a "significant" rebound next year and beyond. Once the depth of the economic crisis is known, Montero said, the damage can be gauged and reconstruction Government spokesperson has appealed for the participation of all groups that want to "contribute" and "lend their shoulder" to the reconstruction project, with a first appointment this Thursday with the leader of the PP, Pablo Casado, and has assured that she maintains the intention to present "in a timely manner" the new General State Budgets (PGE). By the time of its presentation, he added, there will be "much more solid" figures on the decline in growth and data on the damage to the productive fabric, with "more reliable" forecasts to configure the new public accounts , necessary. for the consensus reached in the "country agreement." Previous article In the midst of Covid-19, the black plague.


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