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Professional Limited Company: set up your company with









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-11-29 14:04:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
What is a Professional Limited Company? We begin by focusing the topic with a definition: The Professional Limited Company is one whose purpose is to provide certain professional services for which a university or professional degree is necessary and also registration in the corresponding Professional Association. An example of this may be a law firm , which must be registered for the free exercise of their profession. Obviously a lawyer can practice his profession alone by registering as self-employed, but if several join together in a Professional Limited Company they will be able to cover more specialties within the legal profession and enjoy other advantages that we will see below. The regulation of this company comes from Law 2/2007 , of March 15, on professional companies. slp professional limited company Characteristics of the Professional Limited Company A Professional Limited Company is a commercial company and the procedure for its incorporation is the same as for any Limited Company. However, it has a series of conditions to meet and that makes it different: The company must be registered in the commercial registry and in the registries of professional societies of the corresponding professional associations . If several professional activities are carried out, it will be necessary to register in each of the registers. To the corporate name, the surname “Professional Limited Company” whose acronym is SLP must be added.
Professionals can carry out a single activity, like the example we gave before of lawyers, or be professionals in several different areas, as long as the activities are not incompatible with each other. The minimum capital for the creation of the company will be 3,000 euros , as for any Limited Liability Company . The company will be liable for its debts with its assets. If  Country Email List the debts arise from professional acts, the company and the responsible professional will be jointly and severally liable. Social capital can be monetary or non-monetary contributions . If they are monetary, they must be accredited before the notary by means of a certificate of deposit in a credit institution in the name of the company. The deposit cannot have been opened more than 2 months before the deed of incorporation is signed. If the contribution to the share capital is not monetary, it may be movable property, immovable property or credit rights. Whoever provides the movable or immovable property will be obliged to deliver and clean it. The contributor of the credit rights will be responsible for their legitimacy and the solvency of the debtor.

A reduction in share capital can be made to adjust the professional career of the partners. The company must use the distributable profits or available reserves to acquire its own shares in cases of death of a partner or forced transfer. In capital increases, partners will not have preferential subscription rights unless otherwise provided. The units issued may have a nominal value equal to or greater than the existing units. Partners will work following the code of ethics of their respective professions. The company may be sanctioned according to the disciplinary regime of the regulation of professional activity. This regime will apply to all partners. Therefore, both society and professionals can be sanctioned. The company can be formed for a certain period or for an indefinite period. If it has been for a certain period of time, the partners may separate according to the corresponding legislation. In the case of companies formed for an indefinite period, the professionals may separate at any time. Professional limited companies can be sole proprietorships, like other types of limited liability companies.


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