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Garzón: The opposition seeks the "destabilization"









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-2-15 17:02:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Government he Minister of Consumption, Alberto Garzón, assured this Tuesday that the opposition seeks the "destabilization" of the Government and has accused the leaders who "make excuses for not understanding" with the Executive in some new Moncloa Pacts of insulting the " history". In an interview on 'Las mornings de RNE', collected by Europa Press, Garzón has defended an agreement between all political forces similar to the one reached after the Transition. "It was very transversal, there were those who had defended the Franco dictatorship and those who had fought it with ferocity ," he recalled. Thus, the head of Consumption has regretted that the "new generations of politicians" now deny "that reality." «What we offer is what is needed. It gives the impression that it is not something shared, that they have preferred to use this as a form of destabilization," he lamented, later saying that this means not being up to par." by Taboolayou may like Brussels disavows Josep Borrell and deals.

Setback to the Government for its support for UNRWA In this sense, the minister has acknowledged feeling "bewildered with the attitude of the opposition", especially when compared to Portugal or the United Kingdom where, as he explained, the opposition has been "more loyal and clearer" with the Exe Christmas Island Email cutive in " a moment” of fighting the coronavirus. "What we perceive is that there is an aggressiveness against the Government that contrasts with the rhetoric used by some leaders who claim to be loyal but come with a battery of systematic attacks on a series of things in which we should be united," he said. . Along these lines, Garzón has denounced that there is "a social" and non-partisan strategy on the part of the right and the extreme right to "contaminate the political debate", using Covid-19 to "attack" the Executive. "This is very serious, and not only in political terms: it means attacking the institution that is spearheading the fight against.

Pandemic," he added.  "Pandemics work like this and the response is adaptive ," he pointed out, later insisting that the opposition "must be aware" that, in the face of an event "that produces deaths and overflow, responsibility is needed." "It seems that there are those who make political profit, and that is a mistake," she asserted. Finally, Garzón referred to the possibility of enabling telematic control panels. "If it is technically possible, it is a situation that must be welcomed ," said the minister, who explained that the Executive wants "to be controlled." Thus, he explained that if the Presidency and the Board of the Lower House believe "that it is possible" it will be "good news." Of course, he has made it clear that it will have to be "articulated in a way that is technically viable." "What it cannot do is remain inactive," he concluded. Previous article The Diocese of Plasencia plans to celebrate communions and confirmations starting June 30 Next article The WHO calls for increasing nursing positions; "They are the backbone of the health system" Share.


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