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Dialect in stories









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-12-18 11:41:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
How appropriate is it to include dialect words in a story? Is it advisable to write an entire novel in dialect? How much of a following will the book have? How many will be able to understand those dialect words? I feel like answering questions like these like this: The use of dialect depends on the type of story, on the degree of realism we want to give to our story, to make it more credible, it also depends on its setting and the characters that come into play. Entire novels have been written in dialect, so why not write more? The book in dialect will probably have the same following as one written in Italian. But I think it also depends on the type of dialect and how it is rendered.

Some dialect words will obviously be incomprehensible, others not. It also depends on the skill of the writer, who must be able to make those words understand from the context. History and realism A story must be as realistic and believable as Phone Number Data possible. If we are writing a novel set in high society, with educated and graduate characters, I doubt that the use of dialect words is necessary, except on particular and rare occasions. If our story is about uneducated kids hanging out in the slums of a city, the story changes. They will not be able to speak in perfect Italian, because they will not be credible. In that case the writer must not only make use of dialect, but also of slang words and phrases, as well as ungrammatical language. But we're talking about dialogue, not narration, and dialogue must be natural. The example of Andrea Camilleri I have already written about Camilleri and the fact that he writes in Sicilian dialect. It's understandable to me, although there were some words I struggled to understand, but from context it wasn't that difficult.

Entire novels written in dialect. Novels that have become famous and have been read throughout the country. In this case the dialect also becomes a style. Camilleri becomes unmistakable. He gave a personal imprint to his works. Dialect words inserted here and there Even in stories written in perfect Italian we can encounter words in dialect, perhaps to underline a concept or to introduce an example, or even to make a concept otherwise unclear in current Italian. The word in dialect in a certain sense embellishes the text, makes it more alive and even more credible, gives a perhaps poetic note to the writing and contributes to forming the writer's style, which is differentiating itself from others. The jargon Slang words or phrases have the same characteristics as dialect ones: they can be understood by those who know them due to geographical proximity and remain incomprehensible to others. In article writing they should obviously be avoided, but in creative writing, where they are needed, they can be used.


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