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What did that cardinal censor think?









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-12-11 13:56:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Back in 2003, specifically on January 20, the episcopal commission for the doctrine of faith of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, published a note on the book “God and Jesus. Towards a new community” , by the theologian Juan José Tamayo. In it it was said: The author's contribution is nothing more than a renewed version of the ancient Arian error : denial of the divinity of Jesus Christ, presentation of Jesus as a mere man, denial of the historical and real character of the resurrection, and of this as a fundamental fact of the Christian faith. . The conclusions reached by Don Juan José Tamayo Acosta are incompatible with the Catholic faith .

And it was also remembered: Given the repeated appearance of Don Juan José Tamayo Acosta in the Media, through journalistic articles, interviews and publications, the Episcopal Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, also considers it necessary to inform that currently, the aforementioned author lacks of canonical Job Function Email List mission to teach theology and does not teach in any Higher Center of the Church . We note how the author, in recent years, has followed a trajectory in his theological publications and public manifestations that separates him from ecclesial communion, which is incompatible with the condition of a Catholic theologian . This is why Cardinal Sistach has twice prohibited ( 1 and 2 ) the use of a Catholic parish in his archdiocese for Mr.

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Tamayo to give a lecture. Don Juan José is perfectly free to give his opinion whatever he wants on any subject, but the Church does not accept either his Arianism or his constant attacks on the Catholic faith . So it is logical that a bishop does not want his diocese to collaborate in the spread of the multiple heresies of that Arian theologian. Faced with such a reality, it is extremely aberrant that Catalunya Cristiana, the official weekly of the archdiocese of Barcelona that is also distributed in the rest of the Catalan dioceses, has had the nerve to go and interview Tamayo and give him an entire page . There is no doubt that such an act is a direct provocation to Cardinal Sistach.


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