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The Government assures that it has followed the









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-2-15 18:34:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Recommendations "at all times" The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, stated this Sunday that to combat the coronavirus epidemic the Spanish Government has followed "at all times" the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Center for Prevention and Control. of Diseases (ECDC). In a telematic press conference at the Moncloa Palace, Illa alleged that it was on March 12 when thewarned of a scenario of sustained community transmission of the virus, and that measures were taken and reinforced in Spain two days later, with the state of alarm. Illa's words abound in the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has prepared a chronology – sent to journalists, foreign correspondents and Spanish embassies abroad – to defend that the measures adopted by the Spanish Government followed at all times.

Recommendations of WHO and ECDC. by Taboolayou may like Brussels disavows Josep Borrell and deals a setback to the Government for its support for UNRWA The head of Health has referred to the visit that a representative of the WHO has made to Spain in the last week - from last Sunday to this Sat costa Rica Email List urday - which he believes has been "very beneficial" for the Spanish Government and also for the WHO itself, because this way other countries that are in an earlier epidemic phase will be able to benefit from the Spanish experience.  For her part, the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, has highlighted that the Armed Forces, which have joined the efforts against the coronavirus in multiple areas, "are being an example" for other countries and that several European colleagues have addressed.  

Spain to learn about his actions of "being with society." According to Illa, the WHO representative was surprised by the "immense, almost heroic work" of Spanish health workers, so the minister wanted to join in recognizing the sector. "The response of the Spanish health system and its professionals has been spectacular, heroic and exemplary, who have reacted with a promptness and professionalism that is difficult to see in other countries," he summarized. After the visit, the regional director for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO), Hans Kluge, has shown "cautious optimism" about the evolution of the epidemic in Spain, in a message on his Twitter account that has been disseminated also by the Moncloa Palace. Kluge has been "deeply impressed by the heroism of the frontline workers, the solidarity of the Spanish people.  


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