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Sánchez denies before Bildu and CUP that he has









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-2-15 12:36:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Put the interest of capital before that of The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, defended this Wednesday the measures adopted by his Executive to alleviate the social and economic effects derived from the coronavirus health crisis and, in the face of criticism, which EH Bildu and the CUP have dedicated to him, he has denied having put the interests of capital before the health of workers by allowing those who carry out non-essential activities to return to work. This is what Sánchez explained in the Government control session in Congress, where the spokesperson for EH Bildu, Mertxe Aizpurúa, expressed her fear that this return to activity after Easter will translate into a resurgence of the disease. next week. "Despite the WHO's recommendation of prudence, the interest of employers and large companies has been placed without having a sufficient level of safety for workers," lamented Aizpurua, who has demanded that the Government have.

Astrong control" over companies to ensure that they do not put the health of workers at risk by Taboolayou may like Pilar Eyre reveals Queen Letizia's imm Bhutan Email List  inent decision FRUIT OF SOCIAL DIALOGUE "I totally disagree," the president replied, emphasizing that his Government has at all times followed the recommendations of scientific experts and that this de-escalation at the workplace level has been the product of dialogue with the employers, but also with the unions. In this context, he stressed that with the measures it has adopted so far, the Executive is trying to "leave no one behind" in this "enormous" crisis that, he recalled, "affects the entire planet." But his explanations do not seem to have convinced Aizpurua, who has insisted that "people's lives are worth more than the profit and loss accounts of companies" and that.

Although "economic failure is inevitable," it will be "weaker the more "before the pandemic is controlled." Sánchez has said he shares this thesis, he has withdrawn that, precisely for this reason, Spain is one of the countries that performs the most daily tests to detect the infection and has stressed that the confinement is giving results. The president has also taken his chest to the measures "unprecedented in a Government" in Spain which, as he has stated, has deployed his own to weave a network of support for families, workers, consumers and productive fabric to alleviate the consequences of the pandemic . He has done so in response to the CUP spokesperson, Mireia Vehí, who has warned the head of the Executive that his formation will not "forgive" him for the management he is doing of this crisis and has also questioned whether the People who have had to return to work these days are doing.


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