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Pressure from his low approval ratings









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-12-21 19:22:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

President Alberto Fernández also announced that he would not run for re-election due to  and Kirchnerism and called for a competitive election of Peronist candidates. Send an implicit message to the vice president in the primary. Although the centre-right opposition coalition has made progress in the primaries with favorable results in the polls and some internal tensions, Peronism is confused between President Fernández and the Vice President.

The disagreements have put the government in a difficult position. President Fernan Job Function Email List dez de Kirchner. In a crucial economic and social context, the question pollsters, politicians and journalists are seeking to answer today is what is the electoral ceiling for far-right liberal Javier Mire, whose campaign axis is the rejection of political caste. This election appears to mark the end of a cycle that began with Kirchner's victory this year and no one knows how it will end. If the opposition wins the ruler is Hawk Pat.

Richa Burrici or dovish Horacio Rodríguez Larreta Is Peronism headed for a historic defeat or a reversal? The most pessimistic predictions between now and October. How many Argentines are willing to fight Harbin? Anarcho-capitalist candidates like Vermire join hands in the void to protest against the Peronism of politicians without a compass. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, with her characteristic rhetorical skills, declared herself guilty in the first instance of fraudulent administrative actions that harmed the public administration.

Resigned after being convicted. He said he would rather go to jail, which won't happen for at least the next few years, than become a power mascot for someone like the CEO of his arch-nemesis, a media conglomerate. He considered his conviction to be part of the law or even a judicial firing squad aimed at outlawing the practice. Thus he referred in words and gestures to the history of Peronism from the years when Eva Peron resigned due to illness and became the vice-presidential candidate to the executions from the years after the coup to the years of the ban to the years with which he was associated.


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