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The ruling party will have a tough battle in the Senate to approve the Single...









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发表于 2023-12-17 13:53:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Health Cars Welcome Please log in to your account. REGISTER LOG IN Infobae Last News Policy Economy dollar today Sports Society Police Newsletters POLICY The ruling party will have a tough battle in the Senate to approve the Single Ballot and there are doubts about the elimination of the PASO There is a paper project approved in Deputies that did not lose parliamentary status and was voted by Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel. It requires an absolute majority, that is, 37 accessions Mariano Casal By Mariano Casal Decp.m. ITS T Share The new composition of the Senate The new composition of the Senate The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, announced this Wednesday that the country should “go to a single ballot system” and activated the fine numerology to be carried out in the Senate if the Government decides to call extraordinary sessions and include the paper project approved by an opposition conglomerate in Deputies, in June. In fact, Javier Milei were two legislators who accompanied the initiative, which continues with parliamentary status. Victoria Villarrueland Governor Claudio Poggi's striking dance in San Luis shortly before announcing the payment of salaries in installments It may interest.

youGovernor Claudio Poggi's striking dance in San Luis shortly before announcing the payment of salaries in installments To analyze this issue, it is important to review the discussion in the lower house of 2022. There, the then Together for Change, the libertarians Milei and Villarruel, anti-K Córdoba Peronists, Together We Are Río  WhatsApp Number List  Negro and the former deputy and now governor of Santa Cruz, Claudio Vidal, among others. Under this scenario, and if the current legislators of these forces respect what was agreed last year, in the Senate there would be at least 36 votes. Being an electoral issue, it requires an absolute majority, 37. On Wednesday, the ruling party and the non-Kirchnerist opposition gathered 39 votes to appoint authorities and put the Upper House into operation. The difference between that figure and the 36, in principle, “insured”, is that the renewal missionaries were absent and did not accompany the initiative in Deputies - in the Senate, there are two -, and of the three non-Kirchnerist Peronists, one definition remains. from Entre Ríos Edgardo Kueider. What will the first piquetero march be like after the implementation of the Bullrich protocol? It may interest you: What will the first piquetero march be like after the implementation of the Bullrich protocol? As confirmed Infobae, the legislator maintains a position - of long standing - that includes thoroughly evaluating the project in question and considering the possibility of the elimination of midterm elections, which would.

lead to reforming the Constitution for the latter case. He also remembers a 2018 debate in his province on a single ballot to which Together for Change refused. The initiative endorsed in Deputies is based on the Córdoba model, which establishes a complete ballot for all the categories in dispute: president and vice, deputies, senators and legislators of Parlasur, as appropriate for the last two cases. As for districts with tied local elections, the text will allow the application of both systems or the same one, although in different ballot boxes for both occasions. Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel in the Chamber of Deputies Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel in the Chamber of Deputies For the provinces that have more than five candidates per list - Buenos Aires, Capital Federal and Córdoba, for example - there will be posters with all the names in the dark room. Another important point is that, for the PASO, there will not be the possibility of voting for the entire list. If the party does not participate in any of the categories of positions to be elected, the inscription “Does not present a candidate” will be included in the corresponding space. Meanwhile, the places of each alliance will be drawn for the PASO while, for the general elections, the order will be according to the.

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