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The organic staff of the Public Prosecutor's Office is expanded to adapt it t...









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-11-29 17:20:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This situation produces an imbalance between the members of the Fiscal Career and the number of positions in the organic staff, which makes it necessary to expand the organic staff of the Public Prosecutor's Office to address its deficit, which is underfunded in terms of the number of holders. and that it must face an increase in its functions and its presence in judicial processes. On the other hand, the activity of the Prosecutor's Office in the fight against corruption with the consequent dedication of a greater number of prosecutors to confront it, makes it necessary to adapt the staff of the Special Prosecutor's Office against Corruption and Organized Crime. Likewise, the creation of a position in the Prosecutor's Office of the Court of Accounts is justified by the confirmation that the phenomenon of corruption and its impact on public money is having an increasingly greater presence in the exercise of the functions that correspond to this Court and, therefore, to the Prosecutor's Office that acts therein.
Likewise, the creation of a first-class Prosecutor position stands out, which constitutes a need derived from the development of the statutory reform carried out by Law 24/2007, of October 9, which modifies Law 50/1981, of December 30, regulating the Organic Statute of the Public Prosecutor's Office, and with the aim of promoting the necessary specialization of the Public Prosecutor's Office. Article 20, section three, of the Organic Statute of the Public Prosecutor's Office provides that: «There will also be, in the State Attorney General's Office, Specialist Chamber Prosecutors responsible for the coordination and supervision of the activity of the Public Prosecutor's Office in matters of protection and reform of minors, and in those other matters in which the Government, at the proposal of the Minister of Justice, after hearing the Attorney General WhatsApp Number List  of the State, and following a report, in any case, from the Fiscal Council, appreciates the need to create these positions. The aforementioned Chamber Prosecutors will have powers and will exercise functions analogous to those provided for in the previous sections of this article, within the scope of their respective specialty, as well as those that the State Attorney General may delegate to them, if applicable, all without prejudice to the powers of the Chief Prosecutors of the respective territorial bodies." Due to the above, a position of Court Prosecutor coordinator of specialized services in the protection of people with disabilities and care for the elderly is created, following a favorable report from the Fiscal Council.

Furthermore, through this royal decree, the organic staff of the Public Prosecutor's Office is expanded in those Prosecutor's Offices that have presented specific needs for reinforcement measures for at least the last three years to face the increase in load, which determines that they are structural and not merely cyclical. Finally, it is necessary to adapt the organic staff of the Prosecutor's Office to the situation in Campo de Gibraltar, given the growing importance that criminal organizations dedicated to drug trafficking and human trafficking through the Straits in the region are acquiring, the increase in power and the danger of the same, and the great social alarm caused by this situation. The Cádiz Prosecutor's Office, during 2017 and systematically during previous years, has needed reinforcement Prosecutors in response to work overload. This situation has been aggravated since 2017 due to the reality that the entire area of ​​influence of the Strait of Gibraltar is deeply marked by human and drug trafficking crimes, which occur with a virulence much higher than that of the rest of the Spain and which are reflected daily in the media. Although it is true that the four Investigative Courts of Algeciras have specialized in the investigation of criminal activity carried out by the mafias that operate in the area, they have long been overwhelmed by this type of matters, which require, for therefore, of the maximum attention and that are of great complexity. Said specialization of the Courts correspondingly entails a specialization of the Prosecutors who carry out the guards, request proceedings and qualify the procedures of said Courts.


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