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CCOO denounces the lack of medical personnel to









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-11-29 15:39:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The CCOO union section of the Arnau-Llíria Health Department has denounced the difficult situation of the emergency staff at the Arnau de Vilanova Hospital, one of the services that has most combated Covid-19. He has also pointed out the lack of professionals to replace male and female doctors, which prevents them from being able to enjoy rest during the summer months.

"The emergency service is one of those that has struggled the most to serve the population, making extra efforts during the worst months of the pandemic, but now its efforts cannot be rewarded due to a lack of planning and professionals to cover their rest, " they indicate in a statement.

After this stressful situation, other conditions described by CCOO as " unaffordable" are Email Data now added. In addition to the structural deficit in staff, the lack of coverage produces an overload of work on the professionals who are left covering this essential service. "They are forced to fill the shifts of staff who are enjoying their vacations."

For the union, the delay in the approval of the Vacation Plan by the Ministry of Health is one of the causes of this situation that will cause the implementation of an excessive number of guards, which will triple, worsening the working conditions of the working people as well as the quality of care offered to the population.

CCOO demands that the Department of Health redouble its efforts to cover needs through the hiring and homogeneous redistribution of reinforcements. If this is not possible, it is necessary to adopt, after negotiation, measures aimed at correcting the structural deficits of the workforce and a new type of compensation in additional breaks and salary supplements.

This union " believes it is necessary to recognize the work and dedication that public health professionals will carry out during the summer to maintain quality of care."


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