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The two Autonomous Communities that double the per capita debt of five other ...









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-11-27 15:22:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
That is the average amount that each of the inhabitants of the autonomous communities in which they reside would have to pay out of pocket to meet the public debt. The reality is that each citizen would have to pay more or less depending on the autonomy in which he has established his home. And the fact is that the 10,728 euros that the Valencians would have to pay are not the same as the 5,284 euros of the Navarrese, a difference of almost 50%. In fact, the two autonomies with the highest debt per capita in Spain double that of five of their counterparts.

Economía 3 has analyzed the debt per capita in each of the Spanish Phone Number List autonomous communities. The estimated data have been extracted from the Economic-Financial Information Observatory of the Autonomous Communities of the Spanish Independent Fiscal Responsibility Authority (Airef) .

The three most indebted communities in Spain…
Catalonia and the Valencian Community are the two most indebted autonomies in Spain as of March 2022. Each Catalan would have to pay the amount of 10,846 euros . While the more than five million Valencian citizens would pay 10,728 euros .

In third place, the bronze debt per capita would correspond to Castilla – La Mancha with 7,805 euros per inhabitant.

…and the three that least
Between the most indebted community and the one with the least, there is a difference of 8,299 euros . That is, 76.52% less the last one compared to the first one in the ranking. We already know that the first is Catalonia, but what is the last? The Canary Islands is the autonomy that occupies this position. Each of the more than two million inhabitants would contribute the amount of 2,547 euros to the public coffers .

The silver and bronze for the autonomies with the lowest debt per inhabitant go to Asturias and Andalusia . The first with 4,398 euros per citizen and the second for 4,448 euros . Both figures with hardly any difference.

GDP.  Making money.  Debt.  Inflation.

This is how the per capita debt is distributed in the rest of the autonomies
Based on the order from most to least, we can classify the rest of the autonomous communities into three bands: those with the average at 7,000 euros, those at 5,000 and those at 4,000. Murcia and the Balearic Islands present a similar figure of 7,327 and 7,304 euros , respectively. Halfway there is Aragón , which does not reach 7,000, but is very close with 6,933 euros per inhabitant.

In the following band, up to five communities are grouped: Cantabria (5,971 euros/inhabitant), Castilla y León (5,705 euros/inhabitant), Navarra (5,284 euros/per capita), La Rioja (5,175 euros/inhabitant) and Community of Madrid ( 5,147 euros/per capita).

Finally, at the lowest part of the list are Extremadura with 4,941 euros per inhabitant; Galicia with 4,583 euros ; and, Basque Country , with 4,881 euros per citizen.


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