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The Influence of AI in Healthcare Marketing









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-8-29 16:41:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In 1951, Christopher Strachey, a British computer scientist and one of the founders of denotational semantics, created an automated draughts bot (draughts is British for checkers). This was the first instance of artificial intelligence, or, as everyone likes to call it, AI. Fast forward to 2023, and things have changed. To some, AI is a godsend that does just about anything you throw at it with exceptional and scary accuracy. For others, it's the bogeyman who's coming to steal your job. Whichever category you fall into, you have to agree with one thing. AI is here to stay. AI has revolutionised how companies work. Processes that took hours and hours of effort are now done in a matter of minutes. There is not a single industry that AI hasn't touched yet. Adopting AI in your organisation has its benefits. The main ones include: No Errors: AI makes little to no mistakes. This is one place where humans cannot compete. 24/7 Uptime: AI can run 24/7. No monitoring is required.

This is not the case for humans. Faster Data Processing: AI computes thousands of lines of data in a few minutes and offers meaningful predictions. Humans can't. Those were some of the human Ls. Now here are some human wins. Zero Creativity: AI does come close to the Dubai Phone Number List human brain when it comes to creating fresh ideas. Lacks Ethics: AI is purely logical. It doesn't understand emotions or nuances. All you can do is feed relevant data and hope for the best. As said earlier, AI has stamped its authority on every industry imaginable. This includes marketing as well. Marketers are now adapting to AI-driven processes to generate results. Why? Because you get more done while spending fewer resources. When the topic of marketing comes up, one question naturally arises. What does AI do for digital marketing? Lots, actually. The use of AI to make meaningful predictions and automate processes is a hot topic. Industries are reaping the benefits of running AI-driven marketing campaigns on the internet. But are the results the same across all industries? How about medicine? Healthcare digital marketing is one aspect that is slowly but steadily capturing the attention of doctors and other healthcare professionals. The rise of AI has only added fuel to the fire. But how does AI affect healthcare marketing? There are multiple ways. Accurate Predictions This is the number one advantage of AI.

Its ability to analyse large sets of data and make meaningful predictions is second to none. So how does this help healthcare marketing? With an AI-driven system, healthcare professionals can use patient data to come up with a range of conclusions, like, The health conditions the patients may suffer from based on their current health and lifestyle The platforms patients use to communicate with healthcare professionals The type of ads patients like/interact with the most Predicting the number of staff required The time of day when there's a steady flow of patients Categorise patients based on age, sex, race, nationality, etc. Develop personalised campaigns based on patient interaction levels and preferred platforms This is just the tip of the iceberg. Considering the value of data in 2023, the way AI analyses data, especially in regards to healthcare marketing, is something that must not be taken lightly. Virtual Assistants A website helps promote your clinic and gives you the opportunity to present all the different services you offer. Contact forms on a website allow visitors to submit a request for interaction. But it isn't instantaneous. A visitor has to submit and wait for a response. But that's not the case with virtual assistants. A virtual assistant, or AI chatbot, is up 24/7. All you have to do is feed relevant data. The virtual assistant will handle all types of queries and does an impressive job of marketing your services while contributing to website traffic.


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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2023-9-26 03:03:40 | 显示全部楼层
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